Saturday, 23 May 2009

GLOBAL- best shots

BESTIVAL- best shots

These are some of the best shots that i got and so i thought that they were worthy of a spot on the blog.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


For my final crit today this this is some of the work that i showed. I had put the billboards and adshels in context in order to give the rest of the group a clearer understanding of what i am trying to achieve. I am quite pleased with the way that i am heading with this work and now i just need to do some minor adjustments and maybe take a few more photos.

The feedback that i got back from the group was fairly positive and they seemed to like the work. They did say that maybe the photos aren't as 3D as they could be, so i will have to look in to this.

Monday, 18 May 2009


These are some of the shots that i took in the photography studio and then worked back into them in photoshop. I like the effect that they are giving but i think that they still need some work and i may have to plan in some time to take more photographs.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


This brief is set to promote music festivals. By means of setting up a scene with 3D cut outs, the images are there to sum up what each festival is about. These are some of the first ones that i have photographed to get a feel of what they will hopefully look like. The next stage in the development of this brief is to set up each in a studio with lighting, this will hopefully give each the quality that i am after. I have booked out the photography studio for the 18th May, and by taking initial layout ideas with me i should be able to get some really good shots.
With the photographs i intend to digitally print them to produce a set of posters which will be able to be displayed.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Susie Wright

"Susie Wright aka 'Susie Q and the Owls', works across multiple disciplines, from screen-printing to typography to 3D. Her Scottish heritage has greatly influenced her as an illustrator, with landscapes, animals and plants featuring heavily in her body of work: 'I see it as a way of being closer to the landscapes in the highlands, which I experienced so much growing up'. Whilst she is inspired by the abundance of creativity she's stumbled across in London and the contrast 'between the built up environment of London life and the sparseness of buildings and people in the highlands', she refers to her drawings as a 'coping mechanism' for being so far away from home."